Now that you have learnt how to scroll text here is how you can scroll your images or pictures and give a whole new dimension to your blog !
TIPS : To change the direction of scrolling replace “ left “ with “ up” for scrolling upwards, “down “ for scrolling downwards and “right” for scrolling to the right
U can change the Height and Width of the image to suit your blog or website layout.
Replace the Height= “ Change Height Here”
Replace the Width= “ Change Width Here”
( The scrolling image U see has a height = “250” and width = “250”)
Edit the “ Link to your Image ” and paste the link to your desired image !
TIPS : To change the direction of scrolling replace “ left “ with “ up” for scrolling upwards, “down “ for scrolling downwards and “right” for scrolling to the right
U can change the Height and Width of the image to suit your blog or website layout.
Replace the Height= “ Change Height Here”
Replace the Width= “ Change Width Here”
( The scrolling image U see has a height = “250” and width = “250”)
Edit the “ Link to your Image ” and paste the link to your desired image !